Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education



First Advisor

Kenneth Vos


Curriculum and Instruction


The investigation was intended to find the effect of improving a class website would have on improving homework completion in algebra 2 classes. The research was conducted in two algebra 2 classes at the secondary level. There were sixty-nine students ranging from grades ten through twelve involved in the study. The majority were from white middle and upper class families. Thirty-eight of the participants were students who I had in a previous mathematics course. The data collection instruments used were student surveys, teacher grade books, homework checklists, and a website tracking service. The data showed a positive effect on student homework completion and concept understanding for students who utilized the tools on my website. The data also showed an improvement to the number of visitors to the class website. The results of this research indicate the improvements made to the class website may help students improve their homework completion rate.
