Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Education, Montessori

First Advisor

Sandra Wyner Andrew


Montessori Early Childhood, Montessori Elementary Education


This action research study investigated the effects of teacher communication on parent knowledge of the work their child does in the classroom. Forms of teacher communication utilized were parent education events and bi-weekly classroom news. The study was conducted at a small, private Montessori school, and a total of 22 parents participated. Data was collected via pre-information and post-information question sheets, interviews, and education event feedback forms. Parents expressed positive comments regarding the education events and were appreciative of the enhanced understanding of their child’s work in the classroom. The bi-weekly classroom news was also well received, however, complication in accessing the blog entries reduced the number of participants significantly. I will continue to use the format for the parent education events in the future and will investigate how to distribute the bi-weekly communications more effectively. Overall, this study validated the importance of parentteacher communication.
