Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Education, Montessori

First Advisor

Amanda Perna


Montessori Early Childhood


The purpose of this action research was to determine the effects of movement activities on focus and concentration in toddler Montessori classrooms. Evidence supports the connection between purposeful movement and levels of concentration. Both quantitative and qualitative data of three toddler-aged classes was collected through the use of a pre and post questionnaires, checklists and observational record keeping. The intervention took place over a period of six weeks at an independent school setting with 24 students ages 21 months to 3 years. The results showed the students focus and concentration levels increased during the Montessori uninterrupted morning work cycle when intentional movement lessons or activities were introduced. Based on the data, there is a correlation between movement intervention activities and concentration levels. Additional research should be conducted over an extended period of time to better study the effects of movement on focus, concentration, and behavior in the classroom.
