Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Education, Montessori

First Advisor

Maggie McCaffrey


Montessori Early Childhood


This action research project was completed to test the effects of reading and discussing multicultural children’s literature on young children’s positive self-concept and appreciation of human differences. The setting was a Montessori primary (preK-K) classroom of 18 children, ages two years 10 months to five years 10 months. Ten children were White, four were biracial, three were Asian American, and one was Latin American. Data was collected using a tally sheet, picture test, self-concept test, discussion log, and self-assessment journal. Readings took place each day and books centered on topics such as individuality, race, skin color, diversity, inclusion, and activism. The results indicated that children did show a decrease in negative attitudes towards human differences and an increase in positive attitudes towards human differences throughout the intervention. The action plan implications conclude that the study could be conducted with a narrower focus and within an intersectional framework.
