Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education



First Advisor

Amy Adams




This study looked the effectiveness of PRESS Reciprocal Reading interventions (PRESS) when applied in a 100% distance learning environment with minority 7th & 8th grade students from an urban charter school in a major city in the upper Midwest. Data was collected using student grades on practice activities based on accuracy, teacher notes, and the standardized FASTbridge aReading test given at the beginning and end of the school year, Overall, students did not show positive progression in their reading abilities. The Covid-19 distance learning environment had a big impact on this; getting to know new technology is challenging especially on top of learning new skills independently. The absence of access to breakout rooms for the majority of the intervention also prevented students from working with one another to give immediate feedback; this is what I would work to improve in either a virtual or an in-person learning environment in the future.

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Education Commons
