Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Education, Montessori

First Advisor

Molly Wheeler

Second Advisor

Sarah Hassebroek


Holistic Health Studies, Education


This research explored creativity and flow state as a means of overcoming symptoms of burnout and supporting mental wellness. In this self-study the subject participated in creating art using a variety of media for seven weeks. Additionally, the subject kept multiple streams of data to closely examine the main symptoms of stress and burnout, including an in-depth look at sleep patterns. Other data collected included flow achievement, pre and post study surveys, daily journals, and individual session check-ins. Data suggested that over the seven-week period, sleep became more regular and the subject felt better immediately after participating in creative activities. Additional research over a longer period of time, along with a holistic recovery plan, may prove to be a form of stress reduction and burnout recovery.
