Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education



First Advisor

Yasemin Gunpinar


Curriculum and Instruction


The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of the implementation of iReady mathematics intervention on student achievement. The study was conducted in a public school setting in two kindergarten classrooms and one first-grade classroom. The classrooms consisted of a total of 55 students between the ages of five and seven. Out of the 55 students, 12 qualified for the iReady intervention program. Data collection methods included district baseline and summative assessments, AimsWeb Progress monitoring assessment, a teacher observational journal, and a student conference form. After the four week implementation of the iReady mathematics intervention our data indicated increased student achievement for students performing below grade level and above grade level. However, the assessment data showed it was more effective for the below level students. Based on these results we will continue to implement the iReady mathematic intervention program in order to continue to increase student achievement.

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