Date of Paper


Type of Paper

Clinical research paper

Degree Name

Master of Social Work (M.S.W.)


Social Work

First Advisor

Kendra Garrett, Ph.D., LICSW


Social Work


In an effort to measure the public's attitudes related to prostitution and the public's awareness of sex trafficking, the Attitudes toward Prostitution and Sex Trafficking Awareness Survey was developed. The Attitudes toward Prostitution and Sex Trafficking Awareness Survey was administered to a convenience sample of 185 adult respondents. The results of this study indicate that the majority of respondents were in favor of legalizing prostitution even though they are aware of the dangers and sexual exploitation associated with prostitution. The findings also indicate that respondents overwhelmingly believe that there should be severe legal consequences for individuals who are convicted of paying to have sex with children. Respondents’ opinions about what legal consequences there should be for men who are convicted of paying to have sex with women were varied and tended to be less severe. The findings also revealed that nearly all of the respondents have negative attitudes about pimps and sex traffickers believing that: pimps and sex traffickers sexually exploit vulnerable women and children. In addition, the majority of respondents view the women and children used in prostitution as victims of sex trafficking. Thus, the findings indicate that policy changes need to be put in place that educate and sensitize the public about the dangers of the commercial sex industry and to address the socialized concept that commercial sex services need to exist to satisfy men’s biological need for sex.

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