Date of Paper


Type of Paper

Clinical research paper

Degree Name

Master of Social Work (M.S.W.)


Social Work

First Advisor

Philip AuClaire


Social Work


This research describes a pilot program created to help St. Catherine University’s Associate nursing students receive education regarding stress management and practice relaxation techniques. The program was developed using three key elements: 1) practicing a variety of relaxation and mindfulness techniques 2) practicing these techniques through the use of self-service technologies, and 3) participating in group sessions where psychoeducation regarding stress, depression and anxiety was provided.

Six participants completed the stress management program. They practiced breathwork, mindfulness and guided imagery exercises through podcasts and apps on internet-capable, mobile devices. Results showed decreases in stress and anxiety levels among participants. Additional studies, and replications of this type of program using integrative practices, in a group setting and utilizing self-service technologies as a means to reduce stress is encouraged.

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Social Work Commons
