Document Type


Publication/Presentation Date

Spring 4-9-2021

City of Publication or Presentation


Conference Name

Marketing Educators' Association Spring 2021 Conference

Conference Location



Two faculty and one undergraduate student embarked on an applied learning experience to determine the feasibility of starting a free professional clothing shop for University students called Katie's Closet. All aspects of conceptualizing and testing the Katie's Closet pop-up-store concept began from a feasibility study. With the support of faculty mentors, the undergraduate student researched, analyzed, and executed the project. The action research project started with informational interviews and a focus group for gathering qualitative data on the student population's needs. These findings led to more research to explore potential collaborative partnerships with other University departments. Competitive benchmarking also supported developing the entrepreneurial project concept and offered insightful information to help with the start-up. The data provided the foundational knowledge to create and market a Katie's Closet pop-up store on campus. This article is a collaborative effort written by both the undergraduate student intern and her faculty mentors.

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