Date of Paper/Work


Type of Paper/Work

Doctor of Nursing Practice Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice



First Advisor

Mary Lagaard


Doctor of Nursing Practice


The prevalence of Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori) infection for the Somali population has increased, and there is a significant need to expand Health Care Providers’ (HCPs’) knowledge regarding the correlation between Somali cultural practice and the transmission of H. Pylori infection. HCPs have a central role in the early detection and management of H. Pylori infection, as well as making valid diagnosis and treatment decisions that minimize the risk of complications. The purpose of this Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project was to evaluate HCPs' knowledge regarding H. Pylori infection treatment management, guidelines usability, and Somali culture awareness to identify where the knowledge gap exists. Evidence-based practice was combined with cultural knowledge to present best practice for educational resources related to the treatment of H. Pylori infection to improve outcomes in the Somali immigrant population. This quality improvement (QI) project presents an algorithm to increase HCPs confidence and knowledge of best practices in H. Pylori infection treatment in the Somali population.

2018_DNP_RobleZ_Executive_Summary.pdf (130 kB)
Executive summary
