Date of Paper/Work


Type of Paper/Work

Doctor of Nursing Practice Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice



First Advisor

Teresa Cyrus


Doctor of Nursing Practice


As the learning platform has moved online for students at a Midwest university, they spend more time using personal computers. Unaware of the association between computer use and musculoskeletal injury, students may not recognize poor ergonomic practices. The project manager implemented a quality improvement initiative to increase first-year Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) students’ satisfaction in reducing the risk of associated musculoskeletal disorders. Seven participants responded to a pre-assessment survey,and85% reported they had never used an ergonomic self-assessment tool and had not configured their workstations based on recommendations from a professional organization such as the National Institute of Health. The project manager implemented the National Institute of Health’s Computer Workstation Ergonomics: Self-Assessment Check list to increase ergonomic awareness and guide students in making computer workstation changes. A post-assessment survey revealed that the checklist was implemented and found helpful by 85% of the participants. Therefore, the project results demonstrate student satisfaction with the computer workstation ergonomic self-assessment tool and improve awareness. Universities should implement the Computer Workstation Ergonomics: Self-Assessment Checklist for all university students. A trained faculty member should be assigned to assist students with equipment and space limitations. Finally, universities should consider an awareness campaign to increase student knowledge of ergonomics and the consequences of poor posture. The campaign should include information about available resources, such as a self-assessment tool, the benefits of proper ergonomics, and the significance of musculoskeletal disorders. Overall, the project is feasible and can provide a significant benefit to university students.
