
Research Papers from 2017


A Systematic Mapping Review of Health Promotion and Well-being Concepts in Physical Therapy, Andrew Amundson, Jesse Klein, Bailey Ringold, and Aaron Theis


The Influence of Hip Strength and Core Endurance on Recurrent Patella Dislocations: A Pilot Study, Samuel Arnold, Emily Bradshaw, Anna Hansen, Jessica Knutson, and Mackenzie Newman


The Impact of Walker Style on Gait Characteristics in Non-assistive Device Dependent older Adults, Matthew Bennett, Taylor Hutchins, and Kaci Platz


The Impact of a Community based Exercise Program on Somali Immigrants Residing in Subsidized Housing in Minnesota, Kimberly Berggren, Meghan Gerardi, and Laura Mueller


Comparison of Three-Dimensional Motion of the Scapula during the Hawkins-Kennedy Test and the Sidelying Sleeper Stretch, Alyssa Buchner, Tami Buus, Brittany Evans, Kirsten Lambert, and Lisandra Scheevel


Influence of Fatigue and Anticipation on Knee Kinematics and Kinetics during a Jump-cut Maneuver, Sara Buermann, Erica Gloppen, Regan Kriechbaum, Dani Potter, and Nicole Sheehan


The Accuracy of Wireless Sensors in Detecting the leg Movements and Kicks of Young Typically Developing Infants: A Pilot Study, Bri Coulter, Julia Johnson, Molly Koch, and Christina Ramsdell

Research Papers from 2016


The Effects of an On-Site Exercise Program on Health and Health Behaviors in Community Dwelling Adults Living in a Subsidized Apartment Building, Alexandra Anders, Chad McNutt, and Sarah Whitmore


Influence of Fatigue on Jump and Land Movement Patterns, Sarah Bard, Beth Anne Cooper, Kevin Kosel, Owen Runion, and Kristi Thorwick


Hip Strength and Core Endurance in Female Adolescent Runners With and Without Knee Pain, Brandon Boeck, Emily Kammerer, Lisa Kelley, Cody Misuraca, and Mitchell Peterson


Factors Impacting Adherence to a Multifactorial Fall Prevention Program - a Matter of Balance, Megan Dean, Justine Eggers, Brittany Stevens, and Gunther Wolff


Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy and Foot Posture in Pediatric Cancer Patients, Parker Deutz, Magdalena Hoelmer, Sarah Knilans, and Abigail Semlak


The Effect of Hip and Hamstring Pathology on Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction: A Case Series, Sarah DuPlissis, Rachel Hedden, Nicholas Manning, Josh Patterson, and Luke Wahlstrom


Goal-directed Leg Movements and Kicks in Infants with Spina Bifida, Emily Goracke, Kelsey Jacobs, Elizabeth Pilney, and Katherine Shephard


The Role of the Physical Therapist in Health Promotion as Perceived by Patients with Neurological Pathologies: A Descriptive Study, Ariel Hansen, Gabrielle McGurran-Hanson, Kayla LeDuc, and Hannah Von Arb

Research Papers from 2015


Proximal Strength and Functional Testing Applicable to Patellofemoral Instability: A Preliminary Study, Samantha Alschlager, Danielle Honnette, Katelyn Ley, Brianna Ludtke, and Kristen Reed


Recovery of Nerve Function after Treatment for Childhood Cancer, Allison Baker, Alison Bottke, Maria Leider, and Timothy Mann


The Effects of Electrical Stimulation on Chronic Wound Healing: A Systematic Review, Elena Campea, Alice Fasnacht, and Allison Kirkvold


Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis: Patient Profiles and Outcomes of Shoulder Arthroplasty, Lisa Carlson, Katie Kruger, Callie Larsen, and Kim Ruehlmann


The Effect of Conjugate Reinforcement on the Leg Movements of Infants with Spina Bifida, Sarah DeRosier, Jeremy Martin, Anna Payne, Kelly Swenson, and Elisabeth Wech


Recovery from Central Cord Syndrome: A Case Report, Katie Jacobson


Cerebral Vascular Accident Confounded by Parkinson's Disease: A Case Report, Jacqueline Moseman


Physical Therapy for Mobilization of a Patient with a Prolonged Intensive Care Unit Stay: A Case Report, Jennifer Pulscher


Physical Therapy Management of a Patient with Diffuse Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis: A Case Report, Christa Schutte

Research Papers from 2014


Fairview Cancer Rehab Program Outcomes and Effectiveness: a Pilot Study, Kaeleigh Adami, Elizabeth Koch, Allie Meier, and Laura Vaughn


Core Strength Testing: Developing Normative Data for Three Clinical Tests, Alexis Anderson, Jessica Hoffman, Brent Johnson, Anna Simonson, and Laurel Urquhart


Hip Strength and Core Endurance Among Female Adolescent Runners, Jenna Batchelder, Angela Everson, Leah Paquin, and Heidi Sande


Effect of Lower Extremity Sensory Amplitude Electrical Stimulation on Motor Recovery and Function after Stroke: a Pilot Study, David Bowman, Rebecca Nelson, Kelsey Shearen, and Emily Wizykoski


Volunteering as an Occupation in African-American Women in a Rural Community, Kayla Clafton, Melissa Danielson, Danielle Glenn, and Samuel Vukov


The Influence of Age, Position, and Timing of Surgical Repair on the Kicks of Infants with Spina Bifida, Ann Engstrom, Shannon Lucken, Kayla Sis, and Sarah Wehrheim


Facilitators and Barriers to Health Promotion Perceived by Minnesota Physical Therapists Working in Outpatient Settings, Ashley Fisher, Marit Otterson, and Sarah Pitzen


Establishment of Normative Shoulder Internal Rotation Passive Range of Motion Values in the Sidelying and Semi-sidelying Positions, Alisse Indrelie, Shannon Kelly, Hugo Klaers, Tatia Nawrocki, and Michael Stelzmiller

Research Papers from 2013


Core Strength Testing: Developing Normative Data for Three Clinical Tests, David Anderson, Lindsay Barthelemy, Rachel Gmach, and Breanna Posey


The Effects of Walking Poles and Training on Gait Characteristics and Fear of Falling in Community Dwelling Older Adults, Sarah Becker, Lisa Glad, Kelsie Nebelsick, and Katie Yernberg


Effects of a Therapeutic Dance Program on Balance and Quality of Life in Community Dwelling Older Adults, Krista Berger, Julie Kaminski, Lindsey Kolnik, and Jennifer Miller


Physical Therapists’ Role in Health Promotion as Perceived by the Patient: A Descriptive Study, Jessica Berglund and Erin Poepping


Findings of the Lower Extremity Dynamic Screen in Patients with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome: A Pilot Study, Jake Foley, Meghan Grathen, Lindsey Johnson, and Elizabeth Volk


Prevention of Work-Related Shoulder and Neck Injuries: A Systematic Review, Daniel Frush, Kimberly Redlin, and Jacob Cruze


The Impact of Chemotherapy on the Neuromuscular Components of Gait, Kari Johnson, Britta Schwartzhoff, Sandy Silva, and Rina Terk


Reentry Home after Disaster Relief Work in Haiti: A Mixed Methods Study of the Reentry Process of Medical Professionals, Kelsey Leeman, Andrea Olson, Abby Rassat, and Rita White


Physical Therapy Interventions and Outcomes for a Patient Following Hospitalization for Viral Gastroenteritis and Resulting Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia: A Case Report, Rachel Lewis

Research Papers from 2012


Comparison of the Proprioceptive and Motion Reduction Effects of Shoulder Braces in Individuals With and Without Anterior Shoulder Dislocations: A Pilot Study, Evan Boldt, Marci Burg, Leah Jackson, and Lana Prokop


Risk Factors for Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, Scott Darling, Hannah Finsaas, Andrea Johnson, Ashley Takekawa, and Elizabeth Wallner


Experiences of Physical Therapists who Participate in Disaster Relief Work in Haiti, Erin Faanes, Andrea Guggenbuehl, Ellen Johnston, Katie Larsen, and Crystal Stien


The Sensitivity of Infants with Spina Bifida to Sensory Information, Katie Gulsvig, Christina Hawn, James Plummer, and Ann Schmitz


Physical Therapists' Knowledge, Beliefs, and Practices Pertaining to Health Promotion and Fitness Testing, Megan Johnson, Allison Fisher, Megan Wiemann, Jenna Laska, and Andrea Eckstrom


Clinical Decision Making and Physical Therapy Management of Knee Pain Following Total Hip Arthoplasty: A Case Report, Lisa Marais


Physical Therapy Management Following Femoroacetabular Impingment Correction and Acetabular Labral Repair: A Case Report, Jessica Walker


Unraveling the Mystery of Knee Pain: A Case Report, Nicole L. Zehnder

Research Papers from 2011


3D Knee Kinematics and Kinetics With Visual Disruption in Subjects With ACL Reconstruction, Brittni Baune, Jennifer Henderson, Jenna Merchant, and Kristian Olson


Lower Extremity Functional Screen for Biomechanical Faults in Female Athletes, Jacqueline Carpenter, Ann Donner, Kristine Hoff, and Naomi Johnson


The Effect of Training on Novice Raters When Performing Radiographic Measurement of Humeral Retroversion: a Follow-up Study, Ryan Christensen, Danielle Grambo, Erin Ingram, and Lyna Menezes


The Effect of Walking Poles on Gait Characteristics and Fear of Falling in Community Dwelling, Four-Wheel Walker Dependent and Non-Assistive Device Dependent Older Adults, Jennifer Gonnerman, Ellen Guerin, Karen Koza, and Courtney Tofte


Physical Therapy Intervention for a Patient with Bilateral Achilles Tendinopathy Following Periods of Immobilization: a Case Report, Alyssa Hageman


An Outpatient Physical Therapy Intervention Program, Rebecca K. Henderson


Functional Recovery in a 67-Year-Old Male with Staphylococcus Aureus Spinal Cord Abscess: a Case Report, Andrea Hokanson


Lower Extremity Activity of Infants with Spina Bifida: Does Context Still Matter, Sarah Meissner, Megan Ogaard, Jeanna Shirley, and Kristin Warfield


Clinical Use of the Nintendo WII for Balance Rehabilitation: a Case Report, Jasey Olsen


Safety of Physical Therapy Using Symptomatic Blood Value Guidelines in Children Being Treated for Cancer, Katie Peters and Jessica Tice

Research Papers from 2010


Political Participation in Physical Therapy: Attitudes and Perceptions Across the Practice Spectrum, Cole Kampen, Nicholas Schneider, Miranda Swensen, and Amy Thompson