Understanding Factors Impacting Success in Teacher Preparation Programs

Date Awarded




Project Description

Yasemin Gunpinar, PhD, Assistant professor of education was awarded $4,900.00 for Understanding Factors Impacting Success Teacher Prep Programs. There were two aims in this study. The first aim was to investigate the pre-service and in-service teachers’ and supervisors’ perspectives on teacher preparation of education programs related to instructional practice, diverse learners, learning environment, and professionalism. The second aim was to examine the ways in which teachers benefited from teacher preparedness program to potentially support their teaching and learning. It investigates the effects of high quality teacher preparedness to become an effective teacher. Expected outcomes are learning strengths and areas for growth for teacher preparation programs related to instructional practice, diverse learners, learning environment, and professionalism according to teacher candidates and supervisor perspectives. In addition, the study aims to help understanding factors impacting success of an institution in preparing effective teachers. An extension to the study will be to determine areas to focus on in preparing effective teachers of color. The study employs a quantitative study design. General research framework includes explanatory data analysis (EDA) and statistical modelling. Data has already collected through Network for Excellence Teaching (NEXT) Bush Foundation.

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