Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Education, Montessori

First Advisor

Irene Bornhorst


Montessori Early Childhood


The purpose of this research was to determine the effects on children’s creativity by using natural materials. Children are sometimes lacking in creativity when performing a teacher directed art lesson or step by step crafts. This research, was instigated to observe how using natural materials will affect children’s creativity. In order to determine the effects that nature materials in a preschool classroom have on a student’s creativity, the children were provided with nature materials to use and few instructions to create their own artwork. Data was collected from five sources to measure preschooler’s creativity using nature materials. The data included artifacts such as children’s work samples, observational data such as photographs, checklist, and tally sheets, and inquiry data by a short interview about their artwork. The findings suggested that nature does help with children’s creativity and children are able to express their creativity using the materials.
