Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Education, Montessori

First Advisor

Karen Anway


Montessori Early Childhood


SELF-REGULATION IN YOUNG CHILDREN 3 Abstract The purpose of this research was to determine the effects of a self-monitoring system on the social-emotional behaviors of children in a mixed-age early childhood classroom. The study took place over the course of six weeks at a public Montessori school with twelve participants ranging from ages 4 to 7. Data was collected using a teacher questionnaire, observation tallies, teacher notes, and student feedback. Findings indicated that disruptive behaviors increased and children’s ability to communicate their emotions and recognize emotions in others only slightly increased. Although the results displayed minimal changes in students' ability to self-regulate, some children appeared to become more aware of their feelings and utilized effective strategies for sharing how they felt and improving their mood. Further research might focus on a smaller group of children that need assistance with self-regulation or include an easier method of obtaining student feedback.
