Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Education, Montessori

First Advisor

Alisha Brandon


Montessori Early Childhood


The research was conducted to determine if grace and courtesy lessons could increase the peer to peer reliance in a new community of 12 children ranging in age from thirty-three months to four years old at a private Montessori school in a metropolitan area. It is rare to experience starting a new community and only having 12 children of the same relative age in a Montessori school. The study was conducted with grace and courtesy lessons, given an average of three times a week, on how to ask other peers for help and how to offer help to others. Data was collected over a six week period. The collected data showed whether or not the language from the grace and courtesy lessons was being used between the children. The results showed that the children were not yet functionally independent in many of the tasks that they were being asked to help with and therefore still had to ask an adult for assistance. Future research could repeat this process in a year's time when there is a broader age range of children or could focus on grace and courtesy lessons on how to resolve conflicts and encounters with children through practiced language.
