Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Education, Montessori

First Advisor

Amanda Perna


Montessori Early Childhood, Elementary Education, Montessori Elementary Education


The purpose of this action research project was to measure the effects of daily mindfulness practice with peer-support on teacher stress reduction. Nine female Montessori teachers participated in study and taught at private Montessori schools in suburban or rural settings. The participating teachers practiced a short mindfulness activity daily such as the body scan, sitting meditation, yoga, or mandala coloring and wrote reflections in their daily journal for four weeks. The teachers also participated in a weekly peer support group for community building and wrote reflections in their weekly journal. The teachers participated in a pre- and post- intervention stress questionnaire and attitude scale. A majority of the teachers in this study showed a decrease in teacher stress and an increase in positive attitudes towards colleague support and school climate. The majority of the teachers also shared mindfulness with their students, and the overall results were positive. Further studies should consider whether mindfulness or community building was the more effective intervention in reducing teacher stress.
