Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Education, Montessori

First Advisor

Amanda Perna


Montessori Elementary Education, Mathematics


This seven-week study explored the impact of student-self assessment on learning and engagement behaviors of 48 sixth graders during math classes in a public school setting. Data collection tools such as student surveys, pre-and post -self-assessments, observations, reflections, and teacher- student conferencing provided the information to inform the conclusions regarding self-efficacy. Observation confirmed that a student’s participation in using self-evaluation to contribute to their learning affected internal processes such as motivation and engagement. Assessment activities that provided evidence and feedback to inform goals specific to skill development and learner traits yielded significant results. Highly structured assessment tools and classroom routines reduced students' reliance on the teacher to interpret and use individual performance data. The use of formative assessment practices that promoted goal setting, self-assessment and self-determination practices improved engagement and learning behaviors in the classroom.
