Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Education, Montessori

First Advisor

Maggie McCaffrey


Montessori Early Childhood


In this study, I asked the question, “What effect will antiracist children’s literature have on a white, homeschooled, 5-year-old child’s developing awareness of race and racial issues?” Over the course of four weeks, my child and I read and discussed antiracist children’s literature, and then I recorded my child’s signs of developing racial awareness using qualitative and quantitative data tools. In analysis of this data, I discovered that my child’s developing awareness focused more heavily on race and the understanding of skin tones than on racial issues such as a sense of equality. This finding aligns with early child developmental expectations that a child at age five typically relates better to concrete concepts before understanding abstract concepts. I concluded that antiracist work in early childhood, using children’s literature as a conduit, normalizes critical racial conversations and is an important part of a larger social justice education movement. Further recommendations for research include following my child’s developing racial awareness into the second plane of development (ages 6-9) and expanding this study into other early childhood educational settings to obtain more data for analysis.
