Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Education, Montessori

First Advisor

Irene Bornhorst


Elementary Education, Montessori Elementary Education


Abstract The intent of this action research was to see if parent nutrition education changed what parents packed in their children’s lunches. This study was conducted at a Colorado Montessori school enrolling infants through kindergartners. Data sources included teacher observation before and after the nutrition classes, a pre-class parental survey on nutrition knowledge and topic needs, a teacher journal, and a post-class evaluation. Results showed that after the class, five out of seven students’ lunches changed 20 to 60%. Parents incorporated ideas learned from the class and ways to entice picky eaters. Based on this action research project, the school is implementing a hot lunch program. I initiated a monthly food club to teach parents ways to cook multiple meals from a basic staple, explore ethnic cuisines, and share recipes.
