Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Organizational Leadership


Organizational Leadership

First Advisor

Louise Miner


Organizational Leadership


One grey area in the miracle of birth is the timing of when an umbilical cord is clamped. Currently there is not agreement among obstetricians, family practice medical doctors, midwives, neonatologists, neonatal nurse practitioners and nurses as to the best time to clamp the umbilical cord following the delivery of a newborn baby. A lot of buzz regarding delayed cord clamping is currently heard in the fetal-maternal areas and newborn intensive care units of hospitals. This research examines and confirms the best practices of umbilical cord clamping, identifies barriers that may delay the adoption of the best practices, and finally recommends an implementation model to facilitate the best practices in standardized care. A literature review, a survey, and interviews compose the methodology of this research. In the literature review, delayed umbilical cord clamping versus immediate umbilical cord clamping was found beneficial to the late preterm and full-term infants, without placing the mother at risk during the postpartum period. A survey targeted at healthcare delivery professionals identified the barriers to the implementation of delayed umbilical cord clamping. Lastly, two interviews with change agents clearly defined how the barriers of delayed cord clamping can be overcome and how implementation of delayed umbilical cord clamping can become a standardized best practice among delivery team members across a healthcare system.
