Date of Paper/Work


Type of Paper/Work

Doctor of Nursing Practice Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice



First Advisor

Nanette Hoerr


Doctor of Nursing Practice


Onboarding and orienting clinical nursing faculty is a challenging endeavor for all involved. Clinical education is vital to shaping the future nursing workforce, requiring faculty who are well prepared to guide this learning. Preparation for the clinical faculty role requires:

•Familiarity with the clinical environment,

•Understanding of organizational policies and procedures, and

•An overview of the teaching role.

The intended outcome of this quality improvement project was to develop an innovative, three-phase virtual-based clinical nurse instructor orientation and onboarding platform based on principles of adult learning theory, learner-centered delivery methods, and varied teaching strategies. National League for Nursing (NLN) competencies guided development of curricular content, with learning leveled accordingly. Piloted on two medical-surgical floors, project participants described the intervention as easy to use, welcoming, informative, and logically organized. By creating a standardized, evidence-based process for onboarding and orienting clinical faculty, project participants felt supported in their role and better prepared to facilitate student learning. Further study is required to evaluate an association between the quality of clinical instructor orientation and student learning outcomes, and further understanding of the clinical instructor role.
