Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Education, Montessori

First Advisor

Irene Bornhorst


Elementary Education, Montessori Early Childhood, Montessori Elementary Education


Abstract This action research studied the impact of strategic methods employed to help increase in intrinsic motivation of children to read while increasing comprehension ability. The study occurred in a private Montessori elementary classroom (grades 1-4). Eight students were exposed to a variety of literature genres strategically introduced and displayed and had the ability to choose literature at their leisure, participated in a book club, and completed weekly comprehension examines. Sources of data include dialogue recorded through teacher journaling, comprehension exam data, tally sheet containing data regarding book selections and also student self-evaluations. Following the implementation of the motivational techniques, participants’ demonstrated a significant increase in motivation to read. In addition, the comprehension exam scores increased steadily throughout the course of the study. The motivational techniques have improved the participants’ overall intrinsic motivation to read; therefore I will continue to implement these techniques into my curriculum.
