Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Education, Montessori

First Advisor

Irene Bornhorst


Montessori Elementary Education, Elementary Education


This action research project was completed to test the impact of a series of lessons centered around empathy and building social skills on the students and community of a Montessori elementary classroom. The setting was a suburban school in a classroom of 15 children ages six to nine. The students were primarily Caucasian and coming from middle class families. Data was collected using a tally sheet, observational field notes, a series of journal prompts and a pre/post survey. Both Grace and Courtesy lessons and storytelling sessions were part of the intervention plan. The children participated in a variety of ways including role playing, discussions, and story sharing. The results showed that the lessons did improve the interactions between the children as well as the feelings of community. The children developed a common language and skills to more positively navigate difficult interactions.
