Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education



First Advisor

Dawn Quigley




This action research study investigated the experiences and outcomes that occurred in a music teacher collective while exploring culturally relevant materials, including popular music and hip-hop, as a means for improving student engagement and outcomes. Ten elementary Music Specialists from a large Midwest suburban school district made up the collective representing schools ranging from twenty-nine to eighty-nine percent ethnic diversity. Data was collected in the form of the MUSEBAQ survey, observer notes, focus group discussions, and a questionnaire. The teachers initially had positive feelings regarding the conversation around culturally relevant music pedagogy, but realized they lacked the training to authentically teach music from unfamiliar cultures. The lack of authentic resources was also an issue; therefore, the collective chose to keep the essential standards culturally neutral, and further the discussion on how to implement more culturally relevant materials into the classroom. The result of these meetings will lead to a further investigation of culturally relevant training and materials.

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Education Commons
