Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education



First Advisor

Daniel Glisczinski




This action research study aimed to determine the impact of the use of a technology-based intervention, specifically with the use of an iPad application, on students' phonemic awareness skills. The intervention took place over six weeks using the Teach Your Monster to Read iPad application to practice skills. Sixteen first-grade students from a rural elementary school were the subjects of this study. Half the participants played the game twice weekly for 15-20 minutes for six weeks. Data was collected before, after, and during the intervention using multiple summative assessments and weekly progress monitoring. The data analysis suggests that there isn’t enough data to conclude whether or not the iPad application was the main reason scores increased. Further research over a more extended amount of time is needed to determine the effectiveness of the Teach Your Monster to Read application on students’ phonemic awareness skills.

Included in

Education Commons
