Date of Award


Document Type

Action Research Project

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Education


Education, Montessori

First Advisor

Emily Leutgeb


Education, Montessori Early Childhood


This action research sought to determine whether implementing a journaling practice that combined observation with self-reflection would improve the collective efficacy of an educational team. The research took place over one month in the single, early childhood classroom of a private Montessori school in the Midwest. Four partner teachers participated in the study: owner, director, and assistants. The project began with team-building exercises emphasizing open communication. The intervention required participants to record daily observations of partner teachers with corresponding reactions into personal I See You, I Feel Me journals. Data was collected through weekly attitude assessments, pre- and post-intervention focus group sessions, and artifacts. Using the benchmarks of confidence in roles, feelings of value, and perceptions of effectiveness, findings suggested journaling improved collective efficacy. This success recommends journaling as a useful tool for nurturing partner teaching relationships and evaluating collective efficacy. Continued research could examine widespread applicability and long-term effects.
