Date of Paper/Work


Type of Paper/Work

Doctoral Project

Degree Name

Doctor of Occupational Therapy


Occupational Science/Occupational Therapy

First Advisor

Kristen Maisano


Doctor of Occupational Therapy


Research has indicated that Haiti is troubled with low resources, extreme poverty, malnourishment, violence, and a poor health and educational system. People with disabilities face overwhelming stigma and discrimination, resulting in limited resources and services available. Haitian teachers do not have the necessary knowledge and skills to provide appropriate identification and intervention methods within the classroom setting. The purpose of this Doctoral Capstone Project was to provide an educational training program to teachers in Haiti with the intended outcome of improving their ability to identify and provide care for children with disabilities and trauma. The approach was through the collaboration with Kozefò, a non-profit organization that supports the primary school, A New Arrival Center School (ANACS) in Haiti. A teacher training module and handouts were provided to the staff at ANACS. 20 participants completed this training and provided feedback through a post-training survey. The results from the survey and categorical thematic analysis indicate 6 themes: (1) Learned the concept of inclusive education; (2) How to work with children with disabilities; (3) Strategies to use in the classroom; (4) Specific strategies to use in the classroom; (5) Sensory disorders; & (6) Trauma. It is evident that teachers gained a more comprehensive understanding of these theme areas, as well as improved knowledge surrounding identification and intervention strategies to address disability and trauma in the classroom. The outcomes from this Doctoral Capstone Project present important implications for the site, the profession of occupational therapy, and the greater Haitian community. Participants gained a greater toolbox of strategies to use within themselves and their students. Furthermore, society-based implications include a better acceptance of disability in the community at large. Finally, the profession of occupational therapy as a whole has gained important outcomes, including a more profound worldview and impact of a global health initiative.
